From Behind Another Window

‘From Behind Another Window’ is a series of reflective blogs in which Jocelyn Cunningham considers the opportunities that we have to re-think, re-dream and re-create the work we do to meet the needs of this time.

Over the next 6 weeks, these think-pieces will respond to the rich and provocative ideas out there in the arts and cultural communities, as we all grapple with the conundrum of how to thrive in a time with no cultural gatherings, how to connect with people, how to survive the economic realities and how to conceive what is next.

‘From Behind Another Window’ will ask a lot of questions that we hope Lancaster Arts can address through working with artists and the creation of work.

Jocelyn has been the director of Lancaster Arts for 3 years. Prior to this role in Lancaster, she was a critical friend for a range of organisations such as Create Gloucestershire and the Barbican. Before that, Jocelyn was director of arts at the RSA where she led on Citizen Power and wrote Knitting Together Arts and Social Change. Jocelyn has been a theatre practitioner for over 28 years.

Posted on 28th Apr, 2020
