Jacuzzi Reflections
Lancaster Arts Curator, Miranda Stearn, looks back on Jacuzzi Conversations, a week-long residency at the Peter Scott...
Jacuzzi Conversations
How do ideas flow? How do we create conditions for collaboration? How does new work happen? How might we create new r...
13 years and counting: deep relationships with artists
By Alice Booth, Creative Producer, Lancaster Arts We are delighted to welcome Jenny Gaskell back to Lancaster to sho...
Writing a River by Claire Dean (River Tours)
River Tours is a collaboration with Stan's Cafe theatre company and Lancaster Arts that will take place on the b...
A Tick by the Lune by James Yarker (River Tours)
River Tours is a collaboration with Stan's Cafe theatre company and Lancaster Arts that will take place on the b...
Sewing it all together: River Tours
Conversations with Sewing Café Lancaster while preparing the textile for River ToursSewing Café Lancaster is a grassr...