Leo Mercer: Flight Paths

Leo Mercer: Flight Paths


How do you feel about flying? Do you dream of soaring with birds, do you feel the weight of guilt as you board a plane? Do you marvel at the technology that makes flight possible, does it feel like a luxury that feeds global inequalities? Do you cherish the moments of serene flight over clouds, do you worry about how air travel contributes to habitat loss and pollution.

You are invited to the Peter Scott Gallery,
to experience a new sound installation that refracts the question of flight into sound. This is a space for pondering
the complexities of wonder and shame, to meditate on the meaning of flight —spiritual, ecological,
and technological - in your life.

Flight Paths is a new work commissioned by Lancaster Arts in partnership with Art Beats international festival. Through an open process, we invited artists to submit projects exploring different aspects of Lancaster Arts’ annual theme for 2024, Flight. In developing his work, Leo has talked to a wide range of people to gather their perspectives on our complex and sometimes conflicting relationships with flight.

The installation will premier as part of the Art Beats festival exhibition at the Peter Scott Gallery, open 11am-5pm 24-25 August 2024. All are welcome at the opening celebration, 5:30-7:30pm on 23 August.

Leo Mercer is a writer and composer, exploring themes of technology using multi-disciplinary art forms. Other installations include 'the wind as it rushes through the turbine' (Lancaster Arts, 2020) and 'they were people first' (Light Up Lancaster, 2023). He also runs the music theatre company leo&hyde