As part of our Breathing Space theme we are drawing upon much of the work created by Lancashire based artists over the spring and summer; work that explored artistic practices at a time of social isolation asking the question: how can art help us connect with each other in uncertain and life changing times?
breathing space
- A sufficient buffer of time or space that allows for freedom of movement or relief from a given source of pressure or stress.
- A pause to rest or to think over something.
Although undertaken without an exhibition in mind, the artists created powerful work that arose through a chance for reflection. This exhibition revisits Breathing Space to mark an extraordinary year. You will encounter remarkable photographs by Darren Andrews and Julie Pinington Wright which capture our changing streetscapes in Lancaster District as well as the unexpected residents caught by the lockdown; walking and cycling routes created by local residents in our hour of exercise seen in the light of human respiratory systems by Louise Ann Wilson; and unique aerial footage created by dance artist, Jenny Reeves as she moves through landscapes. As you journey across Lancaster University campus to the gallery, notice the screens you pass for moving and quirky films made by Jonny Randall and Josh Cannon with students who experienced living on the campus in lockdown.
The exhibition will also present new acquisitions from Lancashire artists who contribute to the cultural ecology of the region through their work that reflect the generosity and community spirit that arose during enforced isolation.