After the minimalism of Spectacular and the animated graphic novel of Void Story, internationally renowned innovators Forced Entertainment return with a large cast on a big stage, filled with ragged dances and distorted voices.
It’s bright under the lights, and hot, and frightening. Nine performers in grubby tuxedos and tarnished sequins play out a comical and disconcerting vaudeville to the strains of Japanese lounge music.
Deranged dancing girls swirl, giggle, bicker and stray ever further from the point. Shabby compères compete for the microphone and the audience’s laughter as the show itself slowly starts to unravel. Dances end in fights, jokes end in confusion and sentimental stories end in arguments in this unsettling and extraordinary performance.
The Thrill of It All continues Forced Entertainment’s enquiry into the spectacle of theatre in contemporary life, exploring the ways in which we live, breathe and tell stories in the circumscribed space of late capitalism. It also heralds a new direction for the group as they explore voice distortion – playing with the unsettling possibilities of the voice and the body becoming estranged – and dance and movement, with choreographic advice from Brussels-based performance-maker Kate McIntosh.
UK PREMIERE (16 Years +)
Tuesday 12 October 2010 to Wednesday 13 October 2010 @ 8pm