To mark the premiere of Proto-type Theater's new show, and to open Adulterated Tales Festival, we're delighted to offer a rare late-night showing of the amazing film Grey Gardens...
Behind the walls of a once-grand East Hampton home, we meet Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter, 'Little Edie' - high society dropouts, reclusive cousins of Jackie O. - thriving together amid the decay and disorder of their ramshackle East Hampton mansion. A most intimate portrait of the unexpected, an eerie echo of the Kennedy Camelot, Grey Gardens has become a cult classic and established Little Edie as fashion icon and philosopher queen.
For years, I've been fascinated with the documentary Grey Gardens, which is about the dilapidated house (and lives) of Jacqueline Kennedy's cousin and aunt Little Edie and Big Edie. The mother and daughter are former socialites and entertainers whose house is collapsing around them, is infested with cats and Raccoons, and is filled with the ghosts of more prosperous times. Something about seeing these two members of American Royalty hanging on to the fiction of their past has haunted my writing for a long time. During the creation of Virtuoso (working title), we watched Grey Gardens and drew inspiration from the strange games its protagonists engage in - sometimes in subtle ways and other times with much more directness. When planning the premiere of Virtuoso (working title) I thought it would be nice to offer a glimpse into our process by screening this cinematic gem.
Peter Petralia, Director Proto-type Theater
Grey Gardens (1976), a film by David Maysles, Albert Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer, Susan Froemke, color, 94 mins.
Wednesday 22 April 2009 @ 10pm