Reckless Sleepers invite you to dinner, to sample the last meal requests of the famous and the not so famous.
As part of our celebration of 20 years of performance company Reckless Sleepers, and in advance of a new Nuffield commissioned work in the next year, we are very pleased to present one of the best pieces from their back catalogue.
Reckless Sleepers invite you to dinner, to sample the last meal requests of the famous and the not so famous. From Marilyn Monroe to Beethoven to prisoners on death row, this intimate and unusual performance presents a startling set of last statements, last meals and last minute scenarios to a limited audience of 39 people.
There is something about the simplicity of this show that is unbearably moving.
The Guardian
'A Night Less Ordinary' - There are a limited number of free tickets available for this performance to those aged 16-26.
Wednesday 4 March 2009 to Friday 6 March 2009 @ 8pm