Tuesday Talks | in the studio
Our early 2021 Tuesday Talk series invites artists to share original films around what ‘in the studio’ means to them. Each short film will be followed by a live Q&A discussion about the artist's work and topics raised in the film. The talk programme is taking place online and has been developed in collaboration with the LICA Fine Art department at Lancaster University.
As always, the talks start at 1pm and last an hour. Book your free place through this page.
Eleanor Moreton
Eleanor Moreton is a London based painter whose work weaves together wide-ranging themes, from history to psychology, spirituality and politics. Characters parade in imaginary worlds where our outer and inner worlds converge and all is metaphor.
Her 2017 show at The Phoenix, Exeter, 'A Cold Wind From The Mountains', explored British Colonialism and the Jungian notion of the shadow self. 'California Dreaming' at Canal Gallery, London (2015), brought together life in a 1970s small town in Berkshire, the Manson family and fairies.
Her most recent show, 'Wodewose', was at The Arusha Gallery in Edinburgh in 2019.
See an interview with Eleanor here.
FREE Claim a free ticket to be sent a link for the live talkLocation
Online via Zoom You'll find the Zoom link within your confirmation email and the attached 'Print at Home ticket'http://www.eleanormoreton.co.uk/