After immersing themselves in horror movies for their last show, Schlock, Uninvited Guests now take refuge in pastoral romance and the search for an impossible utopia.
'Come join us, share some scrumpy and stay awhile. Let's found Arcadia in the theatre, a rural idyll amongst the city's hubbub.'
In the guise of some ragtag band, Uninvited Guests invent fakesongs and fakedances for our green and plastic land. They declaim hip Romantic poetry, conjure epic landscapes and attempt a return to some simpler life. They give thanks for what we've got, and offer prayers to make better please, make better.
Commissioned by BAC, Nuffield Theatre Lancaster and Cambridge Junction.
SYMPOSIUM (2pm-5pm, Saturday 4 November)
Eight years after their first show, and at a turning point, Uninvited Guests pause for a while to reflect on past work. A number of invited guests discuss the trajectory towards their current pastoral retreat. These presentations will be interrupted by creative responses to the new show by artistic friends and local artists. See WHATS ON section for details.
WORKSHOP (10am-1pm, Saturday 4 November)
Uninvited Guests will be running a participatory workshop in the woods by the Nuffield Theatre. See PROJECTS section to download full details.
Friday 3 November 2006 to Saturday 4 November 2006 @ 8pm