Van Huynh Company: Exquisite Noise

Van Huynh Company: Exquisite Noise


Van Huynh Company return to the Nuffield Theatre with their brand-new show, following their powerful performance of Re:birth in 2022. 

Choreographer Dam Van Huynh explores alternative methods of dissent, drawing on noise to embody defiance and celebrating the power of coming together. Sounds of protest against inequalities create a unique sensory experience through music, lights and movement. This is a dance between disruption and communion, an invitation to wake up our collective spirit in an act of solidarity and care. 

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”
Angela Davis  

Originally from Southern Vietnam, Dam and his family fled after the war and settled in the USA where he was raised, graduating from the Boston Conservatory at Berklee. He has worked with various companies from across the world such as Merce Cunningham, Portugal’s CeDeCe, and Richard Alston. 


“This is a performance which pushes at the boundaries of what dance can be, and there is a thrilling sense of danger in the way the cast (...) allow their bodies to twist and turn with abandon.”  
★ ★ ★ ★  To Do List - Review of Re:birth 


Image Credit: redManhattan Photography 

Age: 12+ 
This work contains partial nudity, strobe lights and haze effects 

There will be a post-show discussion following the performance.

Theatre Season Ticket: Receive 10% discount on all tickets when you book for two Nuffield Theatre shows or 15% when you book all three. Visit the website for full details and all the latest offers. Book here.